About Piki!

My photo
Turnback Cave, Sinnoh
I am a Quochu that lives in Turnback Cave with Giratina. I'm a really great fan of Pokemon and Warriors. My warrior name is Sandshadow and my warrior clan is RiverClan. Though, actually, I've made my own stories. Check SandxThunder of Fanfiction.net to see. My Pokemon and Warrior cats pictures are on the account SSodDragonClan on DeviantART. I am Mintwing of FireClan. This is my Clan: http://fireclan1.blogspot.com/ Find out more about Quochu on Deviantart.com and looking for SSodDragonClan!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Piki's First Blog Entry.

Pie! (This is a test.) ...I feel insane, talking to a blog.
'Come to the Dark side...we've got Shadow Legendaries.'


  1. Hey DarkChu. Have you commented on the class blog yet?

  2. Hey Darkchu ur random because you made your blog in class aye I sit in the front row

  3. *Falls off chair.* What a steady onslaught of comments! Slow down!
    @ Matua Haami: Yep. I did at school, remember?
    @ bluesdabomb: I'll ask to see who you are tomorrow.
    @ bingo: Who are you? Not being rude, just curious.
