About Piki!

My photo
Turnback Cave, Sinnoh
I am a Quochu that lives in Turnback Cave with Giratina. I'm a really great fan of Pokemon and Warriors. My warrior name is Sandshadow and my warrior clan is RiverClan. Though, actually, I've made my own stories. Check SandxThunder of Fanfiction.net to see. My Pokemon and Warrior cats pictures are on the account SSodDragonClan on DeviantART. I am Mintwing of FireClan. This is my Clan: http://fireclan1.blogspot.com/ Find out more about Quochu on Deviantart.com and looking for SSodDragonClan!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fellow Pokemon Friends!

A lot of us like Pokemon, right? Well, some of us are too shy to tell people in real life. So why not here, online, at blogger? Gather here, and say hi to my new friend, Bingo the fellow Pokemon pal!
My Diamond Team:
Balderdash the Lucario.
Jake the Eevee.
Star the Luxray.
Nomeo the Staravia.
'Come to the Dark side...we've got Shadow Legendaries'.


  1. sorry darkchu im more of a water type pokemon lover. but i do like dark pokemon but not that much.

  2. It's all right. But I'm always either a Treecko, a Charmander or a Pikachu in personality tests, so I'm not Water. But y'know why the Blue Pikachu's blue? Cos she knows grass, electric and water type moves, lol.

  3. hey darkchu how do ya do votes???

  4. Srry, I forgot, but you have to go to gadget to get one.

  5. ok hehehehehehehehehehehehehe ha
