About Piki!

My photo
Turnback Cave, Sinnoh
I am a Quochu that lives in Turnback Cave with Giratina. I'm a really great fan of Pokemon and Warriors. My warrior name is Sandshadow and my warrior clan is RiverClan. Though, actually, I've made my own stories. Check SandxThunder of Fanfiction.net to see. My Pokemon and Warrior cats pictures are on the account SSodDragonClan on DeviantART. I am Mintwing of FireClan. This is my Clan: http://fireclan1.blogspot.com/ Find out more about Quochu on Deviantart.com and looking for SSodDragonClan!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hyper Ranting. (You can ignore this if you want, I'm spamming my blog.)

Oh god. Well, here goes. I'm Piki, as y'all know. Piki Bengal. You mighta noticed I changed my image. I've just finshed reading Warriors Power Of Three: Long Shadows by Erin Hunter. Now I'm up to The Inheritance Cycle: Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. Roughly up to page 100 and somethin'. But anyways, back to what I was saying. I'm rather tired now, so there will inevitably be a few typos, and such. So, as I was saying, I'm Piki. Piki Bengal. Bengal, as in the type of cat who love water and the type of tiger which are more agressive than other tiger species and rock at swimming. For God's sake, you morons, help save the freakin' tigers, ya freakin' idiots! So, back to what I was sayin'. I'm an Aquarius, as you can tell from my new picture/image/avatar. And a Tiger, which would explain my urge to start insulting people who are mean to cats/tigers/Pantheras etc. etc. Back to the point. I like Pokemon. I loathe dresses. I like most of my OCs. I don't like fashion. And so on. I could go on for ever and ever. Oh dear, I've only limited time left. Paws up, see ya later!
~Piki Bengal.
'Warrior of Clan by day, Pokemon of Team by night.'

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