About Piki!

My photo
Turnback Cave, Sinnoh
I am a Quochu that lives in Turnback Cave with Giratina. I'm a really great fan of Pokemon and Warriors. My warrior name is Sandshadow and my warrior clan is RiverClan. Though, actually, I've made my own stories. Check SandxThunder of Fanfiction.net to see. My Pokemon and Warrior cats pictures are on the account SSodDragonClan on DeviantART. I am Mintwing of FireClan. This is my Clan: http://fireclan1.blogspot.com/ Find out more about Quochu on Deviantart.com and looking for SSodDragonClan!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yellow Tiger Adventures #1: Flyin' Over The Horizon.

(PS: This is Yellow Tiger's transforms. Neat, huh?)
Flyin' Over The Horizon.
(In construction, sorry. )
Chapter 1: Getting Started.
“Sky!” a voice yelled. “Get up! I’ve made bacon and eggs especially for you!” Ashana, also known as Sky, sat up with a groan. ‘Urgh…Knowing you, Tari, you’ve probably messed up the grass outside!” She yelled back, walking out of her tent sleepily. Fogatari, better known as Tari, grinned sheepishly. “Heh. I guess you’re right. But you know as well as I do that you always cook. I mean, my food tastes fine too, it’s just that I mess up the fire and the rocks and tend to create forest fires.” “Yeah. Are you sure your being Fire Bat isn’t because you create forest fires?” Sky asked jokingly. “…You know, you actually have a point there.” Tari remarked. “Don’t I always?” Sky questioned. “…No.” Was Tari’s reply. Sky facefaulted, then started forking bacon and eggs into her mouth. “Sky, it’d help if you actually left some for me, you know.” Tari said indignantly. Sky shrugged and pointed to some egg left in the pan. Tari sweatdropped. “Eh…I didn’t exactly mean that, but okay.” He ate the leftovers. “I wonder where Flamedream I going to strike next?” Sky mused with her mouth full. “Sky, you do know that your mouth being full kind of ruins the musing effect?” Tari asked. This time Sky sweatdropped. “I know, Tari.” Tari nodded vaguely. “Just thought I’d tell you.” Sky rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She said. “So, any idea where Flamedream/ Black Fox is?” Tari shrugged. “Not a clue.” Was his reply. Sky shrugged. “Heh, I guess we might as well-” She broke off as a bunch of guards shouldered their way through the bushes. “Oh crap.” Sky remarked. She ran. “We’re toast.” Tari observed. He dashed.
“WHAT!?” Officer Ketell yelled. “You nearly get the Outlaw, you narrowly miss, and you dare to come back!?” The guard leader flinched. “S-sir, but-” He began. “NO BUTS!” Ketell yelled. “Probacation for a month!” The poor guard started. “Y-yessir!” “Now get out of my sight!” The patrol ran, slamming the door behind them. “Ketell, sir…” Ketell’s secretary, James, said. “Yes, James!?” Ketell barked. “I think we can still capture the Outlaw, Ashana.” James murmured the plan he had in mind into Ketell’s ear. The officer of Police smiled. This plan would work; he was sure of it.
Thanks, Casino.” Sky panted to the leader of the street urchin gang Street Tigers. “My pleasure.” Casino grinned. “After all, we are the Street Tigers.” The Street Tigers were made up of mainly urchins Sky had saved in one way or another. For example, Casino had been running about the streets when he had been kidnapped and tested on by scientists. He had been extremely happy when urchin-friendly Sky had saved him, along with her buddy Tari.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Schoolwork; Hero Factory.

Task: Write a description of your hero.
(PS:Please take note that this was the only picture I could get at the time, I will try to get another one.)
1. What super-powers do they have?
Superhero (or is it super hero-ess?) Yellow Tiger can fly with her wings and transform into a yellow winged tiger with turqoise stripes. She can also control tigers and other members of the felidae family, such as lions and cats. Yellow Tiger can also turn other people into any felidae animals.
2. What adventures do they have?
All sorts. Quite a few are going to be about the street urchin gang the 'Sword Tigers'. No, not a gangster gang, a gang who band together and help Yellow Tiger. But, yes, I might post a few short stories about Yellow Tiger up.
3. What is their alter ego like?
Yellow Tiger is also Ashana the outlaw. Outlawed because she lost her temper (and here I am, under-stating it!) and killed a poacher, Ashana/Yellow Tiger doesn't really care anymore. Ashana is as brilliant with a sword as she is when she's Yellow Tiger. A fierce tomboy and a killer, messing with Ashana is not a good idea.
4. Do they have a sidekick?
You bet! Her sidekick, the amuteur superhero Fire Bat, is a young, loyal and clumsy boy. The boy also known as Fogatari. Sometimes annoying, sometimes grumpy, this boy's a reflection/male counterpart of Ashana. Fogatari/Tari/Fire Bat is a 13 year old kid. He can control bats, mice and rats of all species and fire. Tari can also morph at will, though he can't stop animals attacking people when he's angry and he can't transform other people, unlike Ashana. Be sure to always check on him though; he's got about as much of a temper as Ashana/Sky, if not less! While he's not that easily distracted, and actually more patient sometimes than his mentor, he's a bit silly. But by-the-by, you can still count on this plucky bat!
5. Write an adventure for your superhero.
Sure, I'll load it soon.
6. Who is their arch enemy?
The Black Fox, a sneaky cunning theif who could convince you that a rabbit was really a long-eared short-tailed rat with a simple speech, has mastered his power well. Black Fox, also known as 'that grubby street urchin called Flamedream', doesn't have wings like Ashana, but knows pretty much every other power Ashana has, and has his own power with the same effects. This cunning fox's powers came from the same source as Fogatari and Ashana's.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hyper Ranting. (You can ignore this if you want, I'm spamming my blog.)

Oh god. Well, here goes. I'm Piki, as y'all know. Piki Bengal. You mighta noticed I changed my image. I've just finshed reading Warriors Power Of Three: Long Shadows by Erin Hunter. Now I'm up to The Inheritance Cycle: Brisingr by Christopher Paolini. Roughly up to page 100 and somethin'. But anyways, back to what I was saying. I'm rather tired now, so there will inevitably be a few typos, and such. So, as I was saying, I'm Piki. Piki Bengal. Bengal, as in the type of cat who love water and the type of tiger which are more agressive than other tiger species and rock at swimming. For God's sake, you morons, help save the freakin' tigers, ya freakin' idiots! So, back to what I was sayin'. I'm an Aquarius, as you can tell from my new picture/image/avatar. And a Tiger, which would explain my urge to start insulting people who are mean to cats/tigers/Pantheras etc. etc. Back to the point. I like Pokemon. I loathe dresses. I like most of my OCs. I don't like fashion. And so on. I could go on for ever and ever. Oh dear, I've only limited time left. Paws up, see ya later!
~Piki Bengal.
'Warrior of Clan by day, Pokemon of Team by night.'