About Piki!

My photo
Turnback Cave, Sinnoh
I am a Quochu that lives in Turnback Cave with Giratina. I'm a really great fan of Pokemon and Warriors. My warrior name is Sandshadow and my warrior clan is RiverClan. Though, actually, I've made my own stories. Check SandxThunder of Fanfiction.net to see. My Pokemon and Warrior cats pictures are on the account SSodDragonClan on DeviantART. I am Mintwing of FireClan. This is my Clan: http://fireclan1.blogspot.com/ Find out more about Quochu on Deviantart.com and looking for SSodDragonClan!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Homework; Recount.

TOPIC: My Weekend.

I thought I'd seen it all. I was wrong. You see, it was the weekends. I was on Wi-Fi on Pokemon Battle Revolution. I'd seen level 100 Legendaries, I'd seen level 100 normal Pokemon. But this time...it was too absurd! You're probably wondering 'What's too absurd? What's she talking about?' Well, I suppose I'd better rewind back to the beginning. It all started this morning...

I padded out of bed sleepily, picking up the copy of 'Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox' by my bedside as I passed. I thought it was going to be a normal day. Putting the book on a chair, I dashed off to do some stuff. When I returned, Goldpaw came and greeted me. I started brushing her fur like I did every normal day. Oh yeah, I do that on abnormal days too. Okay, so after Breakfast I whizzed to my father's room which he calls 'office' to go on the laptop. As I cheerfully pressed the power button, I also rushed off to connect the Wireless Internet Connection so that if I wanted to go on Wi-Fi or the Internet I could. And that's how I spent the rest of my day; playing games on the computer. Who knew that one night could go so wrong?

It was night. I was ready. Turning on the Wii, I selected the panel which the Disk Channel was. Cheerfully, I skipped until I reached the main menu. I chose the Continue button. Loading the save file, the game appeared, as per nromal. grinning, I fought batch after batch of trainers. When I got bored of them, I plugged in the previously unplugged Wireless Internet Connection. But just as the console was connecting, and I was drinking some Sprite, I glanced over to the side-and nearly choked. Spluttering, I gazed at the spot where the black shadow of a cat had been. This wasn't the first time I'd seen it, and I had a feeling that it also wasn't the last. After the console had finished connecting, as I continued to take long draughts from the bottle, I kept on playing. That's when IT appeared...

It was hard to believe. But it was true. A whole team of Glitch Pokemon!I knew then that if I saved my game there, my entire console would be doomed. And so I fought. And lost. It asked me if I wanted to save. I didn't. I suppose I was lucky that I had saved the game before going on Wi-Fi, and so, I had most of what I'd done. Yawning, I turned the TV off and prepared myself. then I went to bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night. The entire house was brightening; it was dawn. As I lay there, I wondered 'Was it all a dream?' Then, when I saw the ghost cat materialise and stare at me, I knew; even if my parents might of forgotten, that even if it really WAS a dream, it was one that would come true. and with that in mind, grinning, I fell asleep.

'Come to the Dark side...we've got Shadow Legendaries.'

1 comment:

  1. plz go on my blog again, u can be in more than 1 RPG
